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MongoDB. NoSQL database for your data.

What is NoSQL and Mongo?

Simply put: NoSQL databases are databases that do not use SQL for querying. MongoDB is one of them. Others are, for example, Elasticsearch or CouchDB. The data is stored in a different way. They are usually ready for quick read.

How does MongoDB work.

Instead of tables like in MySQL, MongoDB has collections. Unlike rows in tables, it has documents. And the documents are made up of BSON – a binary JSON.

Because BSON is essentially a binary form of JSON, MongoDB, in conjunction with JavaScript, allows you to save a lot of time. Converting data between different formats is not necessary.

Everything is stored in each document. Literally. For example, the book will contain the author’s first and last name, not the author’s ID in the database. For lower read time.

Powerful aggregations.

Aggregation functions do not differ much from those in SQL databases. However, SQL is not used again to execute them.

They allow data aggregation – for example, performing mathematical calculations such as sums, averages, but also data or parts of data selection according to specific criteria.

As a result, data is processed much faster because it is processed more optimally. Server computing power and RAM are also saved.

What we use MongoDB for.

We focus on small to medium-sized systems, especially internal company systems, where fast processing and data flow is required. After all, we will not compile data over and over again.

We use MongoDB for most of the applications we develop for our clients. It allows us to create a fast, stable and easily scalable application. And that is always our goal.